Sara Martin
Rev. Sara Martin is a native of Michigan and was raised in a Presbyterian church. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Religious Studies from St. Andrews Presbyterian College and a Master of Theological Studies from Emory University in Atlanta. After many years working as an administrative assistant, Sara finally accepted God’s call to ministry. She attended Saturday classes at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Charlotte for five years while working full time, earning a Master of Divinity degree in June 2023. She is married to Adrian and has two sons, Micah and Eli. She began her call to Edgewood on December 1, 2023. While Edgewood is her first full-time call, she has many years of experience actively serving churches in various capacities.
Patsy McBryde is a native of Lee County and a longtime Edgewood member. She received her degree from Wingate College and has worked for over 25 years in administrative work. She joined the staff in September, 2019 as part time secretary publishing the weekly bulletins and monthly newsletters. She enjoys working with the Presbyterian Women and the session, as clerk.